Table 1.1: Symbols of Roman Numerals Hindu – Arabic Numerals Roman Numerals 1 I 5 V 10 X 50 L 100 C 500 D 1000 M Table 1.2: Roman Numeral from I – C Hindu – Arabic Numeral Roman Numeral 1 I 2 II 3 III 4 IV 5 V 6 VI 7 VII 8… Continue reading Roman Numerals : 1 to 3000
Tag: study material
Cl-1| Math | Ch-1: Shapes and Space
Pre-Requisites Learning Objective On successful completion of this lesson, students will be able to: Dictionary 1.1 Inside – Outside 1.2 Bigger – Smaller Tick( ✔️) the bigger. Tick ( ✔️) the smaller. Tick ( ✔️) the bigger ball. Tick ( ✔️) the smaller phone. 1.3 Biggest-Smallest Tick ( ✔️) the smallest tree. Tick ( ✔️)… Continue reading Cl-1| Math | Ch-1: Shapes and Space
Cl-1| English Grammar | Ch-7: Adjective
Pre-Requisites Learning Objective On successful completion of this lesson, students will be able to: Dictionary 7.1 Adjective => Adjective: A word that qualifies a noun/pronoun. e.g Let’s see the following sentences: Table 7.1 Adjective : Opposite words Good Bad Big Small Tall Short Happy Sad Rich Poor Ill Healthy Strong Weak Honest Dishonest Beautiful Ugly… Continue reading Cl-1| English Grammar | Ch-7: Adjective
Cl-2| English Grammar | Ch-1: Letters
Pre-Requisites Learning Objective On successful completion of this lesson, students will be able to: Dictionary 1.1 Letters => Letter: A, a, B, c , D, d etc. are called letters. => There are 26 letters. => A set of letters from A to Z (or a to z) is called an alphabet. 1.2 Type of… Continue reading Cl-2| English Grammar | Ch-1: Letters
Cl-1| English Grammar | Ch-6: Pronoun
Pre-Requisites Learning Objective On successful completion of this lesson, students will be able to: Dictionary 6.1 Pronoun => Pronoun: A word which comes in place of a noun is called a pronoun. e.g Let’s see the following sentences: Table 6.1 Singular Pronoun Plural Pronoun I We You You He They She It 6.2 Uses Tables… Continue reading Cl-1| English Grammar | Ch-6: Pronoun
Cl-1| English Grammar | Ch-5: Noun
Pre-Requisites Learning Objective On successful completion of this lesson, students will be able to: Dictionary 5.1 Noun => Noun: Name of a person , place, thing or an animal. => Noun: Anything that can be Touched , Seen or Felt is called a noun. e.g 1.Name of persons: 2. Name of places: 3.Name of things:… Continue reading Cl-1| English Grammar | Ch-5: Noun
Cl-1| English Grammar | Ch-4: Parts of Speech
Pre-Requisites Learning Objective On successful completion of this lesson, students will be able to: Dictionary 4.1 Parts of Speech => Parts of Speech: All the English words have been divided into 8 groups according to the work, they do in a sentence. Those groups are called parts of speech. They are: => Parts of speech… Continue reading Cl-1| English Grammar | Ch-4: Parts of Speech
Cl-1| English Grammar | Ch-3: Sentence
Pre-Requisites Learning Objective On successful completion of this lesson, students will be able to: Dictionary 3.1 Sentence => Sentence: A word or a group of words that makes complete sense is called a sentence. e.g => If a group of words has no meaning then it is not called a sentence. e.g 1.This a is… Continue reading Cl-1| English Grammar | Ch-3: Sentence
Cl-1| English Grammar | Ch-2: Words
Pre-Requisites Learning Objective On successful completion of this lesson, students will be able to: Dictionary 2.1 Word => Word: A group of letters that has meaning is called a word. e.g => If a group of letters has no meaning then it is not called a word. e.g 2.2 Formation of words L + L… Continue reading Cl-1| English Grammar | Ch-2: Words
Cl-1| English Grammar | Ch-1: Letters
Pre-Requisites Learning Objective On successful completion of this lesson, students will be able to: Dictionary 1.1 Letters => Letter: A, a, B, c , D, d etc. are called letters. => There are 26 letters. => A set of letters from A to Z (or a to z) is called an alphabet. 1.2 Type of… Continue reading Cl-1| English Grammar | Ch-1: Letters